Our Goals and Curriculum

At Our Saviour’s, we employ The Creative Curriculum® for Preschool in all of our programs. This is comprehensive, scientifically based early childhood program has been shown to improve cognitive and social/emotional outcomes in young children. It is linked with a valid and reliable assessment instrument, Teaching Strategies Gold, designed so teachers can assess child progress and inform instruction. Our faculty has received intensive training in the implementation of our curriculum and assessment system from Teaching Strategies instructors.

This program is compatible with our belief in a hands-on approach to learning and supports all phases of children’s development, including their physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive growth.

The Creative Curriculum is aligned with The New York State Foundation for the Common Core.  It meets the entire criteria for effective early childhood instruction recognized by our accreditation agency, The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). It is proven in studies to improve classroom quality and promote the school readiness of preschool children.

In addition to the Creative Curriculum, our staff has received extensive training in the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.  This program utilizes multi-sensory techniques and consistent habits to help children learn pencil grip, posture, letter formation and handwriting.  We provide children with hands-on, play based instruction and opportunities for spontaneous and meaningful play.